Camping Fees / Property Access

Camping Fees:

There will be a $50 annual fee for every camp trailer that enters the Bingham property. Along with camping, this one-time annual fee also applies to any recreational use on the property such as horse riding, snowmobiling, etc. 
Camp trailers are not to be left unattended above the horse pasture. In other words, if you camp above the horse pasture, when you leave to go home, you must bring your trailer down to the lower part of the property, preferably by the expired well sites near the main gate. Also, a reminder that active well sites are not to be used for camping or parking trailers there. 

Lock to the gate:

An email will be sent out notifying if/when the gate lock is changed. 
If you or a family member would like a key to the gate, contact Boyd Bingham: 435-730-3841 or